Spike Lee Endorses Bernie Sanders for President: ‘He Will Do The Right Thing’ (Audio)

The filmmaker lent his voice to a new radio ad after Morgan Freeman voiced a commercial for Hillary Clinton last week

spike lee endorses bernie sanders
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Spike Lee has officially endorsed Bernie Sanders in a new radio ad for the Brooklyn-born presidential candidate.

The ad begins with Lee saying, “Wake up!” and goes on to list the reasons why Lee is voting for Sanders in the presidential election, and why we should too.

“99 percent of Americans were hurt by the great recession in 2008 and are still recovering, and that’s why I am officially endorsing my brother Bernie Sanders,” he said. “Bernie takes no money from corporations –nada — which means he is not on the tape. And when Bernie gets to the White House: he will do the right thing.”

The “Chi-Raq” director is referencing his 1989 film, titled “Do the Right Thing.” To prove his point, the filmmaker lists off Sanders’ participation in Civil Rights protests, including an arrest in 1963 and how Sanders was on the March to Washington with Martin Luther King, Jr.

Lee’s ad comes just a few days after Morgan Freeman lent his “Voice of God” to Hillary Clinton’s campaign, voicing a commercial which highlights Clinton’s interactions with supporters throughout the years.

Listen to the ad below.
