“South Park” will take on Caitlyn Jenner and Tom Brady in the animated comedy’s 19th season premiere on Wednesday.
A tweet promoting the premiere from the show’s official account on Monday read, “The boys express their utmost respect for Caitlyn Jenner in this Wednesday’s all-new episode ‘Stunning and Brave.’” An accompanying clip from the episode sees one of the characters declaring that he’s “going to Tom Brady this thing” and refuse to comply with his detention sentence.
In July the Comedy Central series was renewed for an additional three seasons through 2019.
Trey Parker and Matt Stone are the co-creators of “South Park.” Parker, Stone, Anne Garefino and Frank C. Agnone II serve as executive producers. Eric Stough, Adrien Beard, Bruce Howell and Vernon Chatman produce.
The boys express their utmost respect for Caitlyn Jenner in this Wednesday’s all-new episode “Stunning and Brave”. https://t.co/CXU0BmwO9r
— South Park (@SouthPark) September 14, 2015
The 19th season premiere of “South Park” will air Wednesday, Sept. 16.