Can I Really Go Blind Watching the Solar Eclipse?

Short answer: yes

solar eclipse

On Monday, a total solar eclipse will be visible in the United States, and if you’re planning on catching a glimpse of one of nature’s wonders you’re going to need some special viewing glasses or risk serious damage to your eyes, including blindness.

According to Vox (and common sense), looking directly at the sun — eclipse or not — can permanently damage your eyes, literally burning a hole through them.

You’ll need super-dark glasses (think dark welder’s glasses) that will filter out all but .003 percent of light. Ordinary sunglasses do not provide sufficient protection.

“The light from the sun is very intense and concentrated into a very small area, and then that light is converted into heat and that heat cooks the retina,”Joel Schuman, chair of ophthalmology at NYU Langone Health explained to Vox.
