This week’s “Saturday Night Live” gave us a sketch that was a twist on the traditional Christian story of Christmas and the birth of Jesus. The bit focused on Joseph, Mary and of course the Baby Jesus, along with all of their visitors — with a very “SNL” twist. With nearly a dozen people in their small birthing space, the biblical couple hosted quite a few guests after what was presumably a full-on birthing process.
Guest host Emma Stone starred as Mary, who was asked countless times about whether or not she felt alright. And, obviously, she was not super alright. You can see the full sketch above.
“Well, I don’t know about you, Joseph, but I’m not in the mood to have people over right now. Because I just had a baby. In a barn.” Stone’s Mary said.
“Okay. so we’re just going to have visitors even though this place is a mess and ” had no time to get ready? Cool, cool, cool,” she continued after some people stopped in seconds later to worship baby Jesus.
Mary found herself pushed to her limits as even more guests arrived with the same questions, including the wise men, the shepherds, and more. And Joseph added insult to the injury of Mary’s request that all these visitors not be allowed in by offering them drinks.
Joseph: “Hey, Mary? These guys said they want drinks.
Mary: “So?”
Joseph: So — can you get them? I don’t know where we keep them.”
Mary: “And I’m out. Cool, guys, This has been fun. Take care of my baby for me.”
After Mary took exception to one of these random visitors deciding to take the scene, Joseph — in typical male fashion — told her she was being crazy.
“Sorry,” Stone’s Mary replied. “I guess when I found out I was going to give birth to the savior, I just assumed it was going to be nicer. That there would be a real bed, and I don’t know, like a doctor and no sheep poop on the floor. But everybody’s looking at me and I feel puffy and I feel gross.”
At the end of the sketch, The “SNL”-ized Mary was visited by the angel Gabriel, and told him that the baby had been born, just as foretold. To which Gabriel responded: “Oh, I know, but Mary, are you okay? You look tired.” To which Mary groaned.