‘SNL’ Cold Open Brings Back Baldwin’s Trump, John Goodman Depresses as Rex Tillerson (Video)

And Alec Baldwin’s Donald Trump has a Putin stuck up his chimney

On this week’s “Saturday Night Live,” Alec Baldwin returned once more to the orange makeup and terrible wig that is his Donald Trump character. After taking last week’s “SNL” off, Baldwin’s Trump was joined by none other than bestie Vladimir Putin (Beck Bennett) and a surprise appearance by John Goodman as Exxon Mobil CEO Rex Tillerson, Trump’s pick for secretary of state.

The skit began with a shirtless Putin dropping down the chimney that we can’t help but imagine really does exist in the penthouse at Trump Tower. You can seee the sketch in full above.

Melania Trump (once again played by “SNL” regular Cecily Strong) and the businessman welcomed Putin in for a “stiff” conversation. Putin tells Trump that he’s pleased about the president-elect’s apparent victory with the Electoral College. They commented on how the CIA suspects Russia, to which Trump nonchalantly mentioned that he didn’t care because he won.

“We think you are the best candidate,” Putin said.

“Sure,” Trump responded.

“The smartest candidate.”

“No doubt.”

“The Manchurian Candidate.”

“I don’t know what it means but it sounds tremendous.”

Soon enough, the trio was joined by Goodman’s Tillerson, who wanted to talk shop with Trump. Tillerson’s ties with Russia and Putin were put on the spot immediately, as Rex was pretty excited to see Putin was there, with the two exchanging cute nicknames with their greeting. “Pootie? Oh, my god!” exclaimed Tillerson.

“Rexie, baby!” replied Putin.

And then they did a really over-the-top secret handshake.

Putin and Tillerson end up shutting Trump out of the conversation entirely as they start talking oil. Trump asks what they’re talking about, and Putin tells him not to worry about it.

The strange skit was a little more haunting than it was funny, but Baldwin continues to be at the top of his game as Trump, ominous and hilarious all at once.

Goodman and Bennett, meanwhile, were were also hilarious — or rather they would have been had the whole thing not been incredibly upsetting.
