News aggregation apps like News Break and SmartNews are seeing unprecedented download levels and breaking records as consumers seek information about the coronavirus and its spread, according to an analysis from Apptopia, which monitors mobile application use and downloads.
On Tuesday alone, News Break was installed 225,000 times and SmartNews was installed 142,000 times — records for both companies. Compared to their average daily downloads during the prior month, News Break downloads are up 214% and SmartNews downloads are up 222%, according to Apptopia.
Similarily, the Washington Post’s mobile app recorded its highest number of downloads and daily active users ever this week, too. Downloads for the newspaper’s app are up 76% since Jan. 1, according to the analysis. which also noted the New York Times’ app is up 58% and the Wall Street Journal is up 39%. Those three publishers are the outlets disparaged by President Donald Trump by name during a Thursday press conference on the spread of the coronavirus. While he insulted them, he said, “I know the truth and people out there in the world, they really don’t know the truth. They don’t know what it is.”
App downloads are up, but that isn’t the only change in the news media landscape as more and more Americans find themselves social distancing in their homes. Numerous television hosts, like Savannah Guthrie on “Today” and Whoopi Goldberg on “The View,” are beaming into their shows and doing their duties from home.