HBO Documentary Films has acquired the worldwide streaming and TV rights to “Siempre, Luis” out of the Sundance Film Festival, a documentary that follows Puerto Rican immigrant Luis A. Miranda Jr., HBO announced Friday. Miranda Jr. is the father of Lin-Manuel Miranda.
The film directed by John James’ film is an inspiring portrait of Miranda Jr. and how he shaped New York politics over three decades. Here’s the full synopsis:
When Luis A. Miranda Jr. left Puerto Rico for New York City in the 1970s, he had big dreams, but little did he know how far he’d go. Over the course of a year, Luis Miranda’s devotion to family and country propel him forward. Following the devastation of Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico, he helps plan relief efforts and manages the logistics behind bringing his son Lin-Manuel Miranda’s award-winning production of ‘Hamilton’ to the island. With humor and heart, “Siempre, Luis” tells the story of a proud American.
“My first film started as the story of a tireless migrant who built an extraordinary legacy,” filmmaker John James said in a statement. “Yet, as I followed Luis Miranda over a lengthy period of time, I couldn’t have imagined that he would see his native Puerto Rico face catastrophic crisis just as our mainland is thrown into bitter political upheaval. We’re excited to find a passionate partner in HBO to share this inspiring story.
“Siempre, Luis” is directed by John James and produced by Katie Taber, John James and Carlos Garcia de Dios; executive produced by Michael Stolper. Endeavor Content financed the film and negotiated the deal.
Deadline first reported news of the sale.