Martin Dunn, editor-in-chief of the New York Daily News, sent a memo to staff on Tuesday saying he's stepping down "to deal with a personal family issue." has a copy of the memo, and says his decision is motivated by his wife's battle with cancer.
Kevin R. Convey, editor-in-chief of the Boston Herald, has been named to succeed Dunn at the NYDN. Convey has been EIC at the Herald for three and a half years. His career spans 33 years and numerous, varied positions.
Meanwhile, over at Forbes, William Baldwin, who has been editor-in-chief in all but title (that's held by Steve Forbes) since 1999, told staffers Tuesday that he is shifting to a new role.
The Business Insider has Baldwin's memo, which says: "After 11 years editing the magazine I am moving to a new position at Forbes, as a writer, with the title investment strategies editor. I'll be writing a monthly column, blog commentary and the occasional feature."
Steve Forbes said Baldwin's new position is effective Sept. 1.
Lewis D'Vorkin, who became chief product officer at Forbes when the company acquired his website True/Slant, was brought in above Baldwin to oversee "all editorial areas." It's unclear how Baldwin's move will affect Dvorkin's position.