Sharon Stone Lashes Out at ‘Non-Mask Wearers’ After Sister Hospitalized With COVID

“Wear a mask! For yourself and others. Please,” said “Basic Instinct” star

Sharon Stone
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Sharon Stone has lashed out at “Non-Mask Wearers” on social media after her sister was hospitalized with COVID.

“My sister Kelly, who already has lupus, now has COVID-19,” Stone said on Sunday on her Instagram account. “This is her hospital room. One of you Non-Mask wearers did this. She does not have an immune system. The only place she went was the pharmacy. There is no testing in her county unless you are symptomatic, & then it’s 5 day wait for results. Can YOU FACE THIS ROOM ALONE? Wear a mask! For yourself and others. Please.”

Sharon Stone’s Saturday caption on Instagram

Stone followed up that post on Sunday and pleaded with her fans to light candles for sister Kelly and her husband, Bruce.

According to the Lupus Foundation of America, Lupus is a chronic (long-term) disease that can cause inflammation and pain in any part of your body. It’s an autoimmune disease, which means that your immune system — the body system that usually fights infections — attacks healthy tissue instead.
