Sex Scenes Make Treacherous Terrain for Actors

How real-life thespian couples handle it when one’s off having scripted sex.

Evan Handler has pretended to have sex with lots of women. His wife, Elisa Atti, knows all about it.

Before the 48-year-old regular on Showtime’s edgy comedy series “Californication” gets busy on-screen, Atti runs lines with him. And when the torrid scenes featuring Handler, best known as Charlotte’s bald husband on HBO’s “Sex and the City,” are broadcast, Atti often snuggles up with him to watch.

But there’s one thing the couple rarely does together: talk about the fake sex on the day Handler actually has it.

“That would seem particularly provocative,” Handler says.

Diane Farr spent 13 episodes on FX’s wry firefighter drama “Rescue Me” having a steamy affair with a man she described to her husband as “super hot”: actor Daniel Sunjata (pictured at left).
