"Green Hornet" star Seth Rogen is collaborating once again with Will Reiser, Evan Goldberg and Jonathan Levine on the upcoming feature comedy "Jamaica," Mandate Pictures said on Wednesday.
The movie will be produced by Rogen and Goldberg via their Point Grey Pictures production company. Reiser, who pitched the story based on a vacation he took to Jamaica with his grandmother when he was 14, will write the script. Levine is attached to direct.
"This is a story that I've long wanted to tell," Reiser said of the movie. "It's something of a passion project for me, and I couldn't be more excited to have found it a home at Mandate.”
Rogen, Reiser, Goldberg and Levine recently collaborated on the cancer comedy "50/50," which stars Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Rogen and Anna Kendrick and is slated for a September 30 release via Summit Entertainment. Rogen and Goldberg have collaborated on numerous films, including "Pineapple Express," "Superbad," and "The Green Hornet."