On Thursday night, Seth Meyers trotted out another “A Closer Look” segment, this time taking a look at Donald Trump’s recent behavior when interacting with U.S. allies.
“President Trump met with the prime minister of Ireland today and reminisced about the time he used to spend at his golf resort there. But he offered a very weird answer when an Irish reporter asked if Trump ever planned on visiting the country again,” Meyers said.
“I will. I love it. I love it,” Trump said. “I have property there and I may never get to see it again.”
“Why does he think he’ll never get to see it again? Is Robert Mueller going to make him wear one of those ankle bracelets?” Meyers asked. “‘I’d love to come, but halfway over the Atlantic that thing starts buzzing like a son of a b—h.’”
Meyers then went in on Trump admitting to making up facts while talking to another world leader.
“It was at least a relief to see Trump making nice with an ally, given his penchant for instigating pointless squabbles with some of our trade partners, like, for example, Canada,” Meyers said. “Today audio surfaced of a fundraising speech Trump gave on Wednesday where he admitted to outright lying to Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau about the U.S.’s trade relationship with Canada.”
In the speech, Trump said he — well, I was going to try to paraphrase it, but I don’t really know how. So here’s the quote: “‘Donald, we have no trade deficit,’” Trump said Trudeau told him. “He’s very proud, ’cause everybody else — you know, we’re getting killed with them. So he’s proud — I said, ‘Wrong, Justin, you do.’ I didn’t even know. Josh, I had no idea. I just said ‘you’re wrong.’ You know why? Because we’re so stupid.”
Meyers had the perfect response to that weird quote.
“In fairness, ‘I lied because I’m stupid’ is the truest thing Trump has ever said. Totally true. Totally true,” Meyer said before shifting to perhaps the weirdest one of all, when Trump apparently made up a bogus test Japan uses to prevent American cars from being sold there.
“According to the Washington Post, Trump also made out of thin air a very bizarre story about how Japan supposedly uses gimmicks to keep U.S. cars from being sold in Japan. And even his own advisers have no idea what he’s talking about,” Meyers said before playing a clip of Trump describing a “bowling bowl test” in which “they take a bowling ball from 20 feet up in the air and drop it on the hood of the car. and if the hood dents then the car doesn’t qualify.”
“What are you talking about?” Meyers said. “Are you sure they didn’t drop a bowling ball on your head?”
You can watch the full “A Closer Look” segment from Thursday’s “Late Night with Seth Meyers” in the video embedded above.