Seth Meyers Plays 2-Minute ‘Blooper Reel’ of Trump Gaffes to Show ‘Noticeably Worse’ Brain Mush (Video)

“Trump’s brain has obviously been mush for quite some time, but still somehow, it seems noticeably worse,” the NBC host says

Seth Meyers kicked off his “A Closer Look” segment with a very serious moment as he discussed what the 2024 presidential race is going to look like. But, in keeping with the spirit of Halloween, it ended up being a slight trick on viewers.

“There’s something we have to discuss, and it’s not comfortable, but it’s reality,” Meyers said solemnly at the start of the Monday night segment. “A man who is once again running for president, and could once again hold the most powerful office in the world, is very obviously in cognitive decline.”

A graphic of President Biden was put up in the corner of the screen as Meyers continued teeing things up, and he very much made it seem like he might be referring to Biden with the next few sentences.

“I don’t like saying it, but we have to face the facts,” Meyers continued. “And again, I know you don’t expect to hear this from me. So you can watch the evidence for yourself.”

But from there, a nearly two-minute supercut of gaffes from Donald Trump began playing, ranging from his apparent real-time discovery of how to spell the word “us,” to claiming windmills are killing whales — or at the very least making them “a little batty” — to a recent on-stage mixup of which country Viktor Orbán actually leads (it’s Hungary, not Turkey, as Trump claimed).

“Wow, normally you have to stay until after the credits to get a blooper reel that long,” Meyers joked when it ended.

Of course, that blooper reel didn’t even include Trump’s most recent on-stage gaffe, in which he gave an enthusiastic greeting to Sioux Falls — but he was actually in Sioux City. For those less familiar with the more central portion of the country, Sioux Falls is in South Dakota, while Sioux City is in Iowa.

“Now Trump’s brain has obviously been mush for quite some time, but still somehow, it seems noticeably worse,” Meyers said, prefacing the footage. “And I didn’t think that was possible.”

You can watch the full supercut, along with Seth Meyers’s full “A Closer Look” segment in the video above.


2 responses to “Seth Meyers Plays 2-Minute ‘Blooper Reel’ of Trump Gaffes to Show ‘Noticeably Worse’ Brain Mush (Video)”

  1. Eric S Avatar

    He has had a half dozen people come forward saying he has a sixth grade reading level – none of this is a shock.

    1. Olivia Simonich Avatar
      Olivia Simonich

      As long as it has a lot of pictures! I recall how his staff would trick him into reading reports by inserting pictures and his name frequently. Comprehension of what he read is probably below 6th grade.

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