Seth Meyers: Stephen Colbert Is ‘Perfect Replacement’ for David Letterman (Video)

And Meyers should know, as the newest host of Dave’s old “Late Night” program and co-Northwestern alum with Colbert

Seth Meyers is no longer the newbie in late night broadcast TV, and he couldn’t be more excited about CBS’ selection of Stephen Colbert to replace David Letterman.

“Stephen is one of the nicest people I’ve ever met, and if you’ve ever watched his show, I don’t have to tell you he’s one of the funniest and smartest as well,” Meyers said. “He’s a perfect replacement.”

See video: Jon Stewart Gets Giggly in Excitement for Stephen Colbert’s ‘Late Show’ Promotion

Aside from being late-night network talker newbies and former “SNL” writers, Meyers and Colbert have an alma mater in common: both went to Northwestern University.

This is relevant because “Stephen Colbert” the character went to Dartmouth — which led to a humorous story shared by the NBC “Late Night” host on Thursday about the time he was subject to a Northwestern takedown as a guest on “The Colbert Report.”

See video: Stephen Colbert Plays Coy on Letterman Takeover: ‘I Do Not Envy Who They Put In That Chair’

Meyers is also “so excited” for the news because now Colbert will bear the brunt of the late-night talk show host hazing, which is apparently a thing.

“I have to get Jimmy Kimmel coffee every morning — he lives in Los Angeles,” Meyers quipped.

Watch the video:
