Seth Meyers Lays Out Some ‘Crazy S–t’ That Could Happen With Presidential Race in Next 2 Weeks | Video

It’s “enough time for Joe Biden to re-enter the race, drop out a second time, accidentally endorse Donald Trump” and more, the host jokes


Seth Meyers was a bit on edge on Wednesday night as he realized just how close the 2024 presidential election really is at this point. Particularly because, as the NBC host pointed out, a lot can happen in two weeks.

Meyers spent most of his “A Closer Look” segment comparing the Labor Day schedules of Donald Trump and Kamala Harris, mocking the former for his choices, and feeling even more hopeful for Harris (though the host did praise her for publicly noting that her campaign is “the underdog” in this election).

As Meyers continued, he pointed out that the next presidential debate is in less than a week, and early voting begins in Pennsylvania in less than two weeks.

“I would say that’s not a lot of time, but then again, as we know from recent experience, a lot of crazy s–t can happen in two weeks,” Meyers said.

From there, he began to lay out exactly what could happen in that amount of time.

“That’s enough time for Joe Biden to re-enter the race, drop out a second time, accidentally endorse Donald Trump, rescind his endorsement, wander onto the debate stage next week because he forgot to take it off his calendar,” Meyers imagined.

“He sees Harris and Trump together. He says ‘What are you two doing here?!’ It’s like a scene in a Mexican soap opera,” he continued. “And we know that Biden can do soap opera at debates, because during the last one he always looked like he just discovered his twin brother didn’t actually die in that speedboat accident.”

You can watch Seth Meyers’ full “A Closer Look” segment in the video above.
