“Late Night” host Seth Meyers took a closer look at questions surrounding the Trump campaign’s alleged contacts with Russia on Thursday night, while pointing out that Jeff Sessions ruined the president’s recent positive news cycle.
“Obviously Donald Trump got off to a rough start as president, but he finally had what many pundits considered a good day on Tuesday with his first address to Congress,” Meyers said. “Trump was finally able to reset the narrative of his presidency. And you know what? I have been hard on him, but I think it’s only fair we take a minute to celebrate.”
After blowing up a balloon to “celebrate,” Meyers played a clip of CNN’s Don Lemon breaking news that Sessions did not disclose meeting with the Russian ambassador during his confirmation hearings for the Attorney General job.
Meyers then let the air out of the balloon.
“Obviously the timing of this latest bombshell was not good for the White House as they were trying to enjoy the success of Trump’s speech on Tuesday,” Meyers said.
Earlier Thursday, Sessions recused himself from any matters pertaining to the campaign of President Trump after acknowledging that he met with Russia’s ambassador during the campaign.
Meyers’ comments echo cable news hosts Joe Scarborough and Jake Tapper, who pointed out similar claims on Thursday. Tapper suggested that President Trump will be “bothered” by the Sessions controversy overshadowing the positive media coverage of his joint address to Congress earlier in the week.
Scarborough surmised that the Washington Post’s bombshell report regarding Sessions speaking with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak was timed to hurt the Trump administration.
“I don’t think it’s a coincidence that this came the day after Donald Trump got his best press coverage ever,” Scarborough said. “That’s the way Washington works.”
Check out the video above.