Meyers Tells Congress to Just Let Trump Be House Speaker: He’d ‘Hate It So Much, He’ll Actually Want to Go to Prison’ (Video)

“He’ll be miserable by day two,” the NBC host jokes

Seth Meyers joked on Wednesday night that it would be “insane” to make Donald Trump the new Speaker of the House — particularly considering he’s currently under a gag order from a judge — but on Thursday night, he changed his mind a bit. Now, the late night host thinks it’d be a good idea to let Trump have the job — mostly because he’d hate it so much, he’d really prefer jail.

Following the ouster of Kevin McCarthy on Tuesday, reports quickly started swirling that Republicans were once again considering Trump for the job, despite the fact that he’s running for president. But, according to Politico, Trump is open to taking the speakership this time.

“You know what? Good. Let Trump have a job that sucks, where half the people in the room hate his guts and he can’t do s—,” Meyers said. “He’ll be miserable by day two.”

The late night host added that it wouldn’t even come down to working with people who dislike him, but that really, Trump would just hate how menial the duties of the Speaker are.

“It’s all boring procedure and filing legislation and saying mind-numbing s— like ‘The gentleman from South Carolina is recognized,’” Meyers said. “He would hate it so much, he’ll actually want to go to prison.”

Naturally, Meyers then put on his Trump voice, and acted out how that decision would go.

“‘Screw it, I’m pleading guilty, I gotta get the hell out of here,’” he joked. “‘I hate C-SPAN!’”

You can watch Meyers’s full “A Closer Look” segment in the video above.
