Seth Meyers Feels for Trump Trials’ Court Stenographer: ‘Must Be Literally Impossible’ to Follow His Sentences | Video

“Five minutes into his testimony, the stenographer’s typewriter would just burst into flames,” the NBC host jokes

Give Donald Trump’s tendency to go on long tangents in the middle of his rants — often beginning in the middle of sentences — Seth Meyers offered some sympathy on Wednesday night to one person in particular: the court stenographer at Trump’s many trials.

During his “A Closer Look” segment, Meyers argued that it was “probably a good thing” that Trump didn’t testify this week, because it likely “would’ve made no f—ing sense whatsoever.” Meyers’ proof? The comments Trump did make outside the courtroom after they had adjourned for the day.

Meyers then played a clip of those comments, in which Trump went on a barely comprehensible tangent about both President Biden and former president Barack Obama, and repeated his proven lies about the 2020 election.

“You know who I feel bad for? The court stenographer,” Meyers joked. “If Trump’s court appearances are anything like his public appearances, then trying to write down everything he says in real time must be literally impossible. Five minutes into his testimony, the stenographer’s typewriter would just burst into flames.”

Meyers then tried to imagine the judge asking the stenographer to read Trump’s words back to the courtroom aloud, joking that the stenographer would likely try to avoid it.

You can watch Seth Meyers’ full “A Closer Look” segment in the video above.


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