Seth Meyers Rips Trump’s ‘Reassuring’ Promise He Won’t ‘Have Time for Retribution’: Like Hannibal Lecter Saying ‘I Had a Big Lunch’ | Video

“You won’t seek retribution not because it’s a terrible thing to do, but because you’ll be too busy?” the NBC host says

Despite Donald Trump’s constant talk of the retribution he would exact in a second term against virtually anyone who’s ever spoken against him, the legally troubled former president changed his tune on Wednesday, saying he won’t “have time for retribution.” But Seth Meyers doesn’t exactly find that comforting.

Trump’s words came during his town hall on Fox News, as he once again refused to debate anyone running against him. During the conversation, moderator Bret Baier questioned how much of a second term for Trump would actually be about looking forward, and how much would be about getting back at people Trump’s mad at.

“I’m not gonna have time for retribution,” Trump replied, after first saying that “a lot of people” wouldn’t actually blame him for wanting to take revenge. “We’re gonna make this country so successful again, I’m not gonna have time for retribution.”

But Meyers was stunned by that logic.

“I’m sorry, are we supposed to find that reassuring? You won’t seek retribution not because it’s a terrible thing to do, but because you’ll be too busy?” he said with a laugh. “That’s like if you ask Hannibal Lecter if he plans on eating anymore people and he said ‘Oh absolutely not, I had a big lunch.’”

The late night host added that Trump’s promise “is even less reassuring” when you consider the fact that he said it just a few hours after sending an email to his supporters that had the words “I am your retribution” in all caps at the very top of the message.

“When it clearly should’ve said ‘I am your retribution (time permitting),’” Meyers joked.

You can watch Seth Meyers’ full “A Closer Look” segment in the video above.


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