Seth Meyers Mocks Trump’s Critiques of Nikki Haley’s Dress: ‘Fashion Zingers From a Guy’ With ‘Tape on the Back of His Tie’ | Video

“This is a classic case of Trump talking about someone else but really telling you about himself,” the NBC host jokes

Donald Trump wasn’t a huge fan of Nikki Haley’s dress on the night of the New Hampshire primary, calling it out specifically during his victory speech. The moment was pretty rich for Seth Meyers, considering it came from the man who once tried to secure his tie with literal Scotch tape.

Addressing his supporters after primary, Trump seemed more irritated than victorious, complaining about Haley’s own victorious attitude. “When I watched her, in the fancy dress that probably wasn’t so fancy, come up, I said ‘What’s she doing? We won,’” Trump snarked.

“I do have to give it up for Trump’s ability to be a lot of things at once. Not many wannabe dictators also have the bandwidth to say ‘In the fancy dress that wasn’t so fancy,’” Meyers joked. “Not sure I need snarky fashion zingers from a guy who wears tape on the back of his tie.”

Naturally, an image of Trump where he did exactly that — revealed due to a gust of wind blowing his tie back from his body — flashed on screen simultaneously.

But, the fashion dig made sense to Meyers. The “Late Night” host noted that it was likely just another example of Trump projecting.

“This is a classic case of Trump talking about someone else but really telling you about himself,” Meyers said. “Fancy but really not so fancy describes alllll of his properties. Remember, everything that looks gold in his apartment is one scratch of a thumbnail away from asbestos city.”

You can watch Seth Meyers’ full “A Closer Look” segment in the video above.
