Seth Meyers Roasts Trump for Maintaining ‘Buyer Beware’ Defense of Financial Docs: Likely ‘How He Ended His Wedding Vows’ (Video)

“‘To have and hold, for as long as we both may live. And also, those are just words, do your own research,” the NBC host mocks

As Donald Trump’s civil fraud trial continues in New York, the former president is standing firmly behind his claim that his financial statements never could’ve or should’ve been taken seriously, specifically because they had a “buyer beware” clause. At this point, Seth Meyers is pretty sure this isn’t the first time Trump has used one of those.

During his “A Closer Look” segment on Wednesday night, the NBC host once again roasted how Trump is handling himself amid this particular trial, pointing out that it “seems to have triggered him the most,” even with the four criminal indictments he still has to face.

Meyers was especially amused by the fact that Trump started peddling his “buyer beware” defense at the start of October, and continues to use it still. As recently as last week, Trump told supporters at a rally that his financial statements all “have a clause up front. It says do not believe these statements.”

“They were made by management, they may be high, they may be low, they may be this. But do your own due diligence,” Trump continued. “Do your own research, do everything. Do not believe a word.”

“Interesting, is that disclaimer also on the podium at your rallies?” Meyers mocked. “I will say it’s not a bad disclaimer for Trump to use. I mean, I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s how he ended his wedding vows.”

Naturally, Meyers put on his Trump voice and immediately acted out how those vows would’ve gone.

“‘To have and hold, for as long as we both may live. And also, those are just words, do your own research,” Meyers mimicked. “Because I’ve said it twice before and I am single, sooo….”

Joking aside, Meyers admitted he struggles to believe that real financial documents are even allowed to have disclaimers like the kind Trump claims his had.

“That would be like if your doctor gave you a bottle of pills and told you to take three a day, and you said ‘Okay, what are they?’ And he said,’Well, I don’t know, I found them on a bus,’” Meyers joked.

You can watch Seth Meyers’s full “A Closer Look” segment in the video above.
