Seth Meyers Blames GOP for Politics Being ‘Dominated By Weird Uncles’ Like Mike Lindell, Steve Bannon and Rudy Giuliani | Video

The NBC host mocks the My Pillow CEO for wearing an actual tinfoil hat during an interview

Seth Meyers has one major concern about the future of American politics: weird uncles. The NBC late-night host discussed how this extended family trope relates to the future of the presidency as part of his “A Closer Look” segment.

“Weird uncles are fine, but there is a delicate balance when one enters an ecosystem. A solitary weird uncle, that’s manageable, but too many weird uncles and chaos is upon you,” Meyers said Thanksgiving night. “And that’s what’s happening to American politics, which in recent years has become dominated by weird uncles, guys like Mike Lindell or Steve Bannon or Rudy Giuliani.”

Meyers noted that the weird uncles “all seem to gravitate toward each other and team up together,” likening them to “Voltron if Voltron had a ziplock full of pills in his glove department.”

The first “weird uncle” on Meyers’ radar was My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell. The outspoken businessman recently appeared on Bannon’s “streaming show or podcast or transmission from his volcano lair or whatever the hell it is” to talk about a Georgia ruling in which a judge refused to throw out a case involving Dominion Voting Systems ballot-marking devices. Lindell, who has long spread the conspiracy theory that Smartmatic and Dominion voting machines were used to rig the 2020 election, appeared on Bannon’s “War Room” sporting an actual tinfoil hat.

The accessory was part of a bit from Lindell, but Meyers appreciated it for another reason. “I love that we’re at the point where Mike Lindell is actually wearing the things I used to ask my graphics team to photoshop on top of him,” the NBC host said.

He also mocked the rounded tinfoil baseball hat Lindell used, saying the My Pillow Guy looked like “a cabbie from a bad sci-fi movie.” “Hand it to Mike Lindell, who would do a thing only crazy people would do even crazier,” Meyers said.

The host of “Late Night With Seth Meyers” ended his “Closer Look” segment by reminding his audience that we’re less than a year away from the 2024 election.

“Everyone’s taking stock of where we’re at. Thanks to the GOP, our national politics has basically been turned into a nonstop Thanksgiving dinner made up entirely of weird uncles,” Meyers said, before adding that if Donald Trump wins, “his administration will be full of weird uncles, except now they’ll have real power.”

Watch the full “A Closer Look” video above.
