Watch Bert and Ernie Spoof Will Smith’s ‘Fresh Prince of Bel-Air’ Theme for Origin Story (Video)

Now this is a song all about how Bert’s life got flipped, turned up eyebrow

Ever wonder how the best friends in the history of “Sesame Street” became the unstoppable duo they are today? Well, you’re about to find out, thanks to Bert and Ernie’s very own version of the iconic “Fresh Prince of Bel-Air” theme song.

“Now, this is a song all about how my life got flipped, turn up eyebrow,” Bert raps, in their take on the opening to Will Smith’s ’90s sitcom. “Won’t take long, just a minute you see,” Ernie adds, “we’ll tell you how we became Bert and Ernie.”

Throughout the rest of the clip, the children’s show puppets rock neon baseball caps while chillaxing on rotating thrones and spitting out bars about how Bert came to live with Ernie at 123 Stoop.

We see that it was Bert’s mom who gave him the advice, “Keep your head up, be kind, and you’ll find your way,” so when he first saw his Ernie, he said, “Wanna be friends who laugh, learn, and share?” Ernie replied, “Sit right there.” And Ernie liked Bert’s paper clips and Bert liked Ernie’s rubber ducky and the deal was sealed.

“One half of a whole, one part of a pair,” Bert raps. “That’s the story of how we became Ernie and Bert, put it there!” High-five!

OK, so it’s less dramatic than Smith’s trip from West Philadelphia to the swankiest neighborhood in Los Angeles — but this is for sure more adorable.

Watch the clip above.
