See Bruce Jenner Pose in New Picture With Ex-Wives (Photo)

Linda Thompson and Chrystie Scott have both said Jenner told them about his transition decades earlier


Bruce Jenner appeared with his ex-wives Linda Thompson and Chrystie Scott in a photo posted to Scott’s Instagram account.

Thompson, who married Jenner in 1981 and gave birth to two sons during their romantic relationship, detailed how the Olympian shared the secret he had been hiding from the public his entire life, and how it affected their family in a Huffington Post blog titled, “How Living With and Loving Bruce Jenner Changed My Life Forever.”

“When Brody was about 18 months old and Brandon was about 3 and a half years old, Bruce came to me one day with a very somber look on his face and said, ‘There’s something about me that I really need to tell you, something you need to know,’” Thompson wrote. “I truly thought he might possibly tell me he had had an affair while on the road. But that’s not what he wanted to confess to me. Bruce told me that he identified as a woman.”

Scott married Jenner in 1972 and the couple divorced in 1981. She detailed how Jenner first told her that he was transgender in an interview with “Good Morning America.”

“It was such a shock to me, but he opened up his heart and confessed,” Scott said. “[He said] he had to share this deep, dark secret and he told me he always wanted to be a woman and, understandably, I was speechless. I didn’t really know what to say.”

Bruce Jenner’s interview with Diane Sawyer — during which the former Olympian discussed his transition from man to woman — was a ratings blockbuster for ABC, ranking as the night’s top-rated program and pushing “20/20” to a 15-year high.

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