Sean Hannity supporters are trying to fight back against the boycott effort against him by calling for another boycott — this one against MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow.
Hannity lost a handful of advertisers last week over his pushing of the the Seth Rich conspiracy theory on his Fox News program “Hannity,” even though Fox News has retracted a story about Rich.
The call for a counter-boycott against Maddow was organized by the Media Equality Project, an organization launched by conservative commentators Brian Maloney and Melanie Morgan.
The #StoptheScalpings campaign is described as a way “to push back against the attempt to silence those who dare to ask tough questions and pursue the truth.” Hannity has shared the campaign onhis website and Twitter.
The organization says “the DNC, mainstream media, George Soros, and Media Matters” have attempted “to silence [Hannity’s] voice, because it does not speak in unison with their own.”
“To counteract these fascistic tactics, #StoptheScalpings has decided to fight fire with fire,” the Media Equality Project said in the post on its website announcing the campaign. “As long as Media Matters continues to attack conservatives, we will return them the same kindness. We begin with Rachel Maddow who has been the biggest purveyor of lies and propaganda in the media today.”
The post goes on to call Maddow “an outright liar, and someone who deceives the public and defames conservatives on a daily basis.” The companies that advertise on her MSNBC show are listed on the site, along with contact information for their representatives. MSNBC had no comment regarding the campaign.
“While we prefer not to be involved in this type of effort, we need to be on equal footing. We will continue to announce the advertisers that finance these efforts and support these hosts who allow lies and conspiracy theories to permeate the airwaves. If Media Matters ceases these type of assaults, we will do the same.”
Hannity’s advertiser loss came just weeks after Bill O’Reilly was ousted from the network amid a sexual harassment scandal. Hannity said on his show early last week that he would drop his pursuit of the Seth Rich conspiracy “at this time” before leaving for an extended Memorial Day weekend vacation on Wednesday.
He is expected to return to the show tonight, and according to the Associated Press, the USAA financial services firm, one of the businesses that halted its advertising, plans to resume it.