Sean Hannity Fans Call for Rachel Maddow Boycott

Fox News host has shared the campaign on his website and Twitter

Sean Hannity Rachel Maddow
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Sean Hannity supporters are trying to fight back against the boycott effort against him by calling for another boycott — this one against MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow.

Hannity lost a handful of advertisers last week over his pushing of the the Seth Rich conspiracy theory on his Fox News program “Hannity,” even though Fox News has retracted a story about Rich.

The call for a counter-boycott against Maddow was organized by the Media Equality Project, an organization launched by conservative commentators Brian Maloney and Melanie Morgan.

The #StoptheScalpings campaign is described as a way “to push back against the attempt to silence those who dare to ask tough questions and pursue the truth.”
