Fox News host Sean Hannity took his feud with MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough to a new level on Wednesday night, dedicating a segment of his show to exposing what he called “vile, unfair, disgusting, and even emotionally unhinged” coverage of President Trump.
“Earlier today liberal Joe and his co-host, Mika Brzezinski, they continued their usual nasty coverage of President Trump. This time calling the President of the United States a schmuck,” Hannity said before playing video of recent examples of Scarborough ripping Trump.
“Liberal Joe, you really shouldn’t be throwing stones from your incredibly-fragile glass house,” Hannity said. “After all, liberal Joe routinely features some of the most vile, unfair, disgusting, and even emotionally-unhinged-driven coverage of President Trump.”
Hannity then played a montage of what he called “low lights” of Scarborough and Brzezinski mocking Trump. During the montage, the “Morning Joe” hosts refer to the president as a “thug,” “goon, “idiot,” “embarrassment,” “rotten,” “unit mentally” and “a kid pooping his pants.”
“They have taken Trump derangement syndrome to a whole new level, Sean. And that is sad, because they are assuming that the American people are stupid,” guest Herman Cain said to Hannity after the video.
Hannity has been one of the biggest Trump supporters in the media industry, while Scarborough has flip flopped several times about his views on the president. It’s safe to say they simply don’t like each other at this point.
Earlier on Wednesday, the cable news stars went at it on Twitter and Hannity teased a “hilarious video montage” on his show later in the evening. Scarborough quickly responded, calling Hannity “obsessed” and didn’t let up after just one tweet, eventually telling the Fox News host his next gig would be at RT, which is the state-run Russia Today network.
Check out the video above.