In April, Scarlett Johansson invited a Redditor’s grandmother with whom she shared a striking resemblance to the opening night of her new movie “Rough Night.” This week, the two finally met at the raunchy bachelorette comedy’s New York premiere — and apparently knocked back more than a few.
On Friday’s episode of CBS’ “Late Show,” Johansson told host Stephen Colbert that despite the fact that she has “no social media presence,” several people alerted her to the existence of her doppelganger and she had to see for herself.
“So I looked at this link online,” she told Colbert. “This woman looks exactly like me.”
Reddit user DenverJoel had posted a photo of said doppelganger, then-22-year-old grandmother Geraldine Dodd, on the site. And when Dodd, now 72, confirmed that she was “drunk as a skunk” in the picture, Johansson knew she had to meet her and “see your drunk face.”
Thursday night, she finally got to see it.
“So she came last night to the ‘Rough Night’ premiere, and we did get kind of trashed,” Johansson said.
The actress doesn’t plan on making it a one-night stand with her lookalike, gushing to Colbert about how nice she was — and calling her a “lush” in an endearing way. She said she’d like to visit Dodd’s home as well.
“I will eventually make my to Arkansas and continue this lovely family reunion,” she said. “She’s just awesome.”
Watch the video above.