In his first interview since being shown the White House door, former communications director Anthony Scaramucci was forced to listen to his own harsh words come back to haunt him… while a camera caught his reaction. Despite the frequent look of “yeah, whatever” on his face, he did admit, “I wish they would’ve given me a bar of soap and told me to wash my mouth out in the bathroom and move on.”
George Stephanopoulos of ABC’s Sunday morning show “This Week” scored the interview, and the seasoned journalist didn’t pull any punches. As the much-talked about f-bomb-filled phone conversation with New Yorker writer Ryan Lizza was played, a split screen posted the transcript on one side and Scaramucci’s live reaction on the other.
“For the record, I thought it was off the record,” he said after listening to the exchange. “I didn’t say I didn’t do the wrong thing. I want to be totally accountable for what I did and, obviously, I paid the consequences of having that sort of conversation with him…”
Scaramucci’s connection with President Trump was strong, by all accounts, with Stephanopoulos pointing out that a lot of reports said that the POTUS’ initial reaction to the tapes was amusement.
The former hedge fund manager confirmed that, saying there were probably one or two people that wanted him in that job, and the president was one of them. On the flip side, he said, there were probably 200 people that didn’t want him there. “I made an unforced error that made it easy to dismiss me,” he said.
Stephanopoulos quickly interjected, asking if he thought he deserved to be fired.
“Do I think I deserved to be fired?” Scaramucci repeated. “Well, obviously, I wish they would’ve given me a bar of soap and told me to wash my mouth out in the bathroom and move on. … It was going to be very hard for me to stay in the job given the fact that General [John] Kelly took over [as White House chief of staff]… My feeling about the whole thing is that what happened was sort of meant to happen.”
Scaramucci resigned in July after 10 days on the job as White House communications director following a profanity-filled interview with the New Yorker that made public his feud with former White House chief of staff Reince Priebus.
During the phone call, Scaramucci called Priebus “a f—ing paranoid schizophrenic,” among other colorful epithets, and accused the former RNC head of deliberately undermining him.
However, when the interview was published, Scaramucci responded by saying his biggest mistake was to trust a reporter. He chalked it up to “colorful” language.
Watch Scaramucci’s entire interview with George Stephanopoulos above.