Fitz and Mellie divorce (Episode 1, “Heavy Is the Head”)
After four seasons of resenting his wife and treating her like trash, Fitz finally decided to act like a grown-up in the season premiere, telling Mellie that he wanted a divorce.
Sally Langston outs Olitz (Episode 1, “Heavy Is the Head”)
Sally Langston and her “Liberty Report” set the events of Season 5 in motion when she outed Fitz and Olivia as a couple on her news show.
“Yes” (Episode 2, “Yes”)
After years of will they/won’t they, Olivia finally committed to Fitz by admitting her affair to the press
Jake has a wife (Episode 4, “Dog-Whistle Politics”)
As Jake himself was quick to point out when he surprised Olivia with news of his wife, she has a type: married guys.
Papa Pope walks free (Episode 6, “Get Out of Jail, Free”)
Rowan/Eli is one of the biggest villains in the “Scandal”-verse, and when Mellie and Olivia set him free on the world, no good could possibly result.
Elise dies (Episode 6, “Get Out of Jail, Free”)
Jake’s wife returned to his life for a mere three episodes before she was unceremoniously killed by a former B613 agent.
David Rosen is with Liz AND Susan (Episode 7, “Even the Devil Deserves a Second Chance”)
David Rosen’s white hat got a little smudged when he cheated on Vice President Susan Ross with her chief of staff.
Olivia moves in (Episode 8, “Rasputin”)
After Olivia confesses that her father killed Fitz’s son, one would assume the relationship ends there. But Fitz went in the opposite direction, moving her into the White House.
The abortion (Episode 9, “Baby It’s Cold Outside”)
In possibly the biggest shock of the entire series, Olivia had an on-screen abortion in the midseason finale. Viewers weren’t even aware she was pregnant at the time.
The break-up (Episode 9, “Baby It’s Cold Outside”)
The surprises of the midseason finale didn’t stop with Liv’s abortion. With a harsh, angry, shocking fight, Olivia and Fitz ended their relationship for what appeared to be the final time.
Jake is getting married (Episode 13, “The Fish Rots From the Head”)
The reasons for Jake’s alliance with Rowan remained a mystery for much of the season, but the biggest shock came when it’s announced out of the blue that he’s engaged to be married.
Abby turns on Liv (Episode 17, “Thwack!”)
Former gladiator Abby made her allegiance clear when she chose the president over Olivia, protecting Fitz and kicking her former boss out of the White House.
Liv commits murder (Episode 13, “Thwack!”)
Clearly not in the best place after her kidnapping, Liv went biblical on Andrew’s face when she found herself without any other options.
“One of us is getting back in the White House” (Episode 21, “That’s My Girl”)
After playing Liv like a fiddle, Cyrus reveals in the season finale that he never wanted David Rosen to run for vice president. That’s because it was a job he’d been saving for himself.