Sarah Silverman has one group to thank for the Democrat sweep that happened following Tuesday’s election: the Illuminati.
“Democrats were the big winners last night, which meant all those human sacrifices were worth it,” Silverman said while hosting “The Daily Show.” “Shoutout to my fellow Illuminati members. Guys, we did it.”
Democratic voters showed up for Tuesday’s election as across the country strides were made to protect abortion rights. According to the AP, supporters of abortions rights won a ballet measure in Ohio, a Democratic governor in the primarily Republican Kentucky held onto his position partially due to campaigning for reproductive rights and a Democrat won a seat on the Pennsylvania Supreme Court after promising to uphold abortion rights.
Silverman zeroed in on these victories during the back-half of her monologue. Specifically, she mocked the report that Republicans are trying to develop a better anti-abortion term than “pro-life” in order to prevent more electoral losses.
“Personally, I think they should be forced to carry this phrase to term,” Silverman said before cutting to an interview with new “Daily Show” correspondent Grace Kuhlenschmidt.
Posing as a pro-life advocate, Kuhlenschmidt proposed some new “totally honest” slogans such as “your body, our choice” or “Handmaid’s Tale: Let’s try it?”
Toward the end of the segment, Kuhlenschmidt said she wasn’t worried about the pro-life movement losing popularity. “Republicans are the party of middle-aged white guys who wear socks during sex. They know how to appeal to women,” she said.
During her monologue, Silverman also praised exonerated Central Park Five member Yusef Salaam for winning a seat on the New York City Council. Donald Trump famously said that Salaam and the other four falsely imprisoned men should get the death penalty for the case. “He went from having his life threatened by Trump to being an elected representative,” Silverman said. “He’s like a reverse Mike Pence.”
Wednesday night marked Silverman’s third night guest hosting “The Daily Show.” For the rest of 2023, Leslie Jones, the “Daily Show’s” news team and Michelle Wolf are all set to take over the desk. A permanent host is expected to be chosen in 2024.