Samantha Bee’s 7 Most Hilarious ‘Daily Show’ Moments (Videos)

The former Comedy Central correspondent debuts on “Full Frontal With Samantha Bee” on Monday

Samantha Bee The Daily Show
Comedy Central

Bee used Sarah Palin supporters’ own words against them to perfectly skewer McCain’s anti-abortion running mate on the issue of women’s rights.

With minimal effort and straightforward questions, Bee made supporters of Long Island’s secession from New York look completely ridiculous.

Nothing was more surreal or more memorable than Bee’s interpretative dance homage to Fox News’ “The Five” talk show. This is 8 minutes well spent.

Bee expertly dismantled the U.S. government and its inability to keep track of how many police shootings of civilians there are nationally. Bonus: Bee started off this segment bantering with husband and fellow “Daily Show” correspondent Jason Jones.

“Have you ever met a woman before?” Bee asked in her interview with author Kingsley Brown, ridiculing him for his stance against women serving in combat positions in the military.

Bee made Congress’ repeated attempts to stop Medicare funding of contraception look ridiculous in a segment investigating the importance of penis pumps, which are covered by the insurance program.

In 2015, Bee received a fitting send-off from the show. After a few highlights from her 12 years as correspondent, Bee came out one last time for an emotional final bow.
