The morning after Samantha Bee’s critically applauded TBS special “Not the White House Correspondents’ Dinner,” the comedian was put in the hot seat when Jake Tapper asked her how it felt to be the face of the Democratic party’s problem.
The “State of the Union” host read a story in The New York Times from Sept. 2016 which said, “… the Democratic Party’s problem in the age of Trump isn’t really Jimmy Fallon, it’s problem is Samantha Bee. Not Bee alone, of course, but the entire phenomenon that she embodies: the rapid colonization of new cultural territory by ascendant social liberalism.”
Although Bee laughed it off, Tapper asked, “How does it feel to be the face of the problem?”
“Oh my God, my name was in an article,” Bee joked. “I’ll wait for all that evidence to roll in and then I’ll make up my mind after that. … It’s one person’s opinion, one wonderful chap.”
Tapper persisted, asking the “Full Frontal” host to remove herself from the equation and look at the bigger picture. “Is there a smug liberal problem?” he asked, pointing out that Bee told Hillary Clinton not to go to Wisconsin, a state which ended up in Donald Trump’s win column.
Bee dismissed the allegation that there is a “smug liberal problem” and that she and her TBS show are folded into that mix.
“I don’t think there is [a problem],” she answered. “I do the show for me and for people like me and I don’t really care how the rest of the world sees it, quite frankly. That’s great. We make a show for ourselves, we put it out into the world, we birth it and then the world receives it however they want to receive it.”
Check out the video above.