Watch Samantha Bee Call Matt Lauer ‘Human Splenda’ on ‘Full Frontal’ (Video)

The “Full Frontal” host also unloads on “torture-phile” Donald Trump

Samantha Bee is back from hiatus, and her finely tuned rage has only gotten sharper. On her first show since August, Bee called NBC’s Matt Lauer “human Splenda” and lobbed some choice invective in the direction of Donald Trump (a “war crimes-advocating torture-phile”).

Bee ripped into Lauer’s much-panned job hosting a “Commander-in-Chief” forum on NBC on September 8, during which Lauer spent nearly a third of the allotted time with Hillary Clinton talking about her private email server:

“Oh, come on, Matt, do you really think there’s an email smoking gun that the Inspector General, a House Committee, the FBI, and 18 months of nonstop news coverage couldn’t find that’ll be magically uncovered by seven minutes of questions from a human Splenda whose crowning journalistic triumph is having no idea where the f— he is?”

After playing a few choice clips of Lauer engaging in decidedly unjournalistic activities on the “Today Show,” Bee quipped, “Maybe this Halloween, he can dress up as a journalist.”

Bee pointed out that Lauer did have a few positive reviews — from Fox News afternoon show “The Five.” “Praise from ‘The Five’ is like winning a best-dressed award from someone wearing Garanimals,” she said.

Donald Trump didn’t escape Bee’s verbal knives either. The “Full Frontal” host called the Republican presidential candidate “a draft-dodging, Gold Star family-insulting, war crimes-advocating torture-phile whose worst Vietnam flashbacks involve scrambling for the last plane out of gonorrhea.”

Watch Samantha Bee’s tirade above.
