Salma Hayek Eats Silk Worms, Spray Cheese on ‘Watch What Happens Live’ (Video)

“Frida” star proves she’s as daring when it comes to cuisine as she is with her acting roles

Salma Hayek has pushed the envelope with her acting roles such as portraying Mexican painter Frida Kahlo or as the executive producer of “Ugly Betty.”

But on Wednesday it was her culinary habits that were challenged on Bravo’s “Watch What Happens Live,” for a new game called “Will! Salma! Eat It?!”

“The Office” actor Craig Robinson, whose new comedy “Mr. Robinson” debuted Aug. 5 on NBC, helped host Andy Cohen tempt — or torture — Hayek with delicacies such as deep-fried frog.

“Frog or frog legs?” asked the Mexican-born actress who is married to a French billionaire, so is no stranger to the traditional dish.

“I eat them all the time … I live in France and this is very common. Usually they’re not this greasy,” she added.

Jalapeños, stir-fried silk worm and spray cheese from the can weren’t even a challenge for Hayek, who scoffed them all down happily. Gefilte fish, however, was a little too strange for her, and she skipped what Cohen described as “Spam for Jews.”

“I’ll stick to the worms,” she said with a look of disgust.

“Watch What Happens Live” airs at 11 p.m. on Bravo.
