“Free Solo,” “Quincy,” “Minding the Gap,” “RBG,” “Three identical Strangers” and “Won’t You Be My Neighbor?” are among the films nominated for the Audience Choice Prize at the 2018 Cinema Eye Honors, an awards show devoted to all facts of nonfiction filmmaking.
“Bathtubs Over Broadway,” “Matangi/Maya/M.I.A.,” “On Her Shoulders” and “Shirkers” were also nominated in the Audience Choice category, which can be voted on by members of the public at the Cinema Eye website.
The bulk of the Cinema Eye Honors nominees will be announced on Thursday, Nov. 8, and the winners will be announced on Thursday, Jan. 10 at the Museum of the Moving Image in New York City.
In the Broadcast Film category, the nominees were four docs from HBO – “Baltimore Rising,” “Believer,” “The Final Year” and “I Am Evidence” – plus “Nobody Speak: The Trials of a Free Press” from Netflix and “This Is Home: A Refugee Story” from Epix.
In the Unforgettables category, which recognizes the most interesting subjects of the year’s nonfiction films, the noncompetitive list includes a tennis instructor (Nick Bollettieri, “Love Means Zero”), a Supreme Court justice (Ruth Bader Ginsburg, “RBG”), a Hollywood pimp of sorts (Scotty Bowers, “Scotty and the Secret History of Hollywood”) and a beloved children’s television icon (Fred Rogers, “Won’t You Be My Neighbor?”).
Contenders for the Heterodox Award, which singles out films that mix narrative and nonfiction techniques, are “American Animals,” “Obscuro Barocco,” “Skate Kitchen,” “The Tale” and “We the Animals.”
The nominees:
Audience Choice Prize Nominees
“Bathtubs Over Broadway,” Dava Whisenant
“Free Solo,” Elizabeth Chai Vasarhelyi and Jimmy Chin
“Matangi/Maya/M.I.A.,” Stephen Loveridge
“Minding the Gap,” Bing Liu
“On Her Shoulders,” Alexandria Bombach
“Quincy,” Rashida Jones and Al Hicks
“RBG,” Julie Cohen and Betsy West
“Shirkers,” Sandi Tan
“Three Identical Strangers,” Tim Wardle
“Won’t You Be My Neighbor?,” Morgan Neville
Nonfiction Shorts List
(Five nominees in this category will be announced on Thursday, November 8)
“Baby Brother,” Kamau Bilal
“Concussion Protocol,” Josh Begley
“The Earth is Humming,” Garrett Bradley
“My Dead Dad’s Porno Tapes,” Charlie Tyrell
“A Night at the Garden,” Marshall Curry
“Las Nubes,” Juan Pablo González
“Sister Hearts,” Mohammad Gorjestani
“Skip Day,” Patrick Bresnan and Ivete Lucas
“Volte,” Monika Kotecka and Karolina Poryzala
“Zhalanash – Empty Shore,” Marcin Sauter
Heterodox Award Nominees
“American Animals,” Bart Layton
“Obscuro Barocco,” Evangelia Kranioti
“Skate Kitchen,” Crystal Moselle
“The Tale,” Jennifer Fox
“We the Animals,” Jeremiah Zagar
Broadcast Film Nominees
“Baltimore Rising ,” Sonja Sohn, HBO
“Believer,” Don Argott HBO
“The Final Year,” Greg Barker HBO
“I Am Evidence,” Trish Adlesic and Geeta Gandbhir HBO
“Nobody Speak: Trials of the Free Press,” Brian Knappenberger Netflix
“This is Home: A Refugee Story,” Alexandra Shiva Epix
Broadcast Series Nominees
“America to Me,” Steve James Starz
“Evil Genius,” Trey Borzilleri and Barbara Schroeder Netflix
“Flint Town,” Zackary Canepari, Drea Cooper and Jessica Dimmock Netflix
“The Fourth Estate,” Liz Garbus Showtime
“The Trade,” Matthew Heineman Showtime
“Wild Wild Country,” Chapman Way and Maclain Way Netflix
Unforgettables Nonfiction Subjects of 2018
(Non-competitive Honor)
Annette Ontell, “306 Hollywood”
América, “América”
Issei Sagawa, “Caniba”
Alex Honnold, “Free Solo”
Julita Salmerón, “Lots of Kids, a Monkey and a Castle”
Nick Bollettieri, “Love Means Zero”
M.I.A., “Matangi/Maya/M.I.A.”
Keire Johnson, Bing Liu and Zack Mulligan, “Minding the Gap”
Abu Osama, “Of Fathers and Sons”
Nadia Murad, “On Her Shoulders”
Ruth Bader Ginsburg, “RBG”
Scotty Bowers, “Scotty and the Secret History of Hollywood”
Georges Cardona, Jasmine Ng, Sophie Siddique and Sandi Tan, “Shirkers”
Edward Galland, David Kellman and Robert Shafran, “Three Identical Strangers”
Fred Rogers, “Won’t You Be My Neighbor?”