Jeff Sessions’ Russia Testimony Sparks #OtherThingsSessionsCantRecall on Twitter

After the Attorney General tells Congress he doesn’t remember meeting with Russian officials at a D.C. event, a meme is born

Jeff Sessions

As is frequently the case with Trump administration figures, Attorney General Jeff Sessions has inspired a mocking Twitter hashtag, this one called “#OtherThingsSessionsCantRecall.”

The hashtag was inspired by comments Sessions made during his appearance Tuesday before the Senate Intelligence Committee to discuss possible Russian involvement in the 2016 presidential election. Sessions said in his testimony that although both he and the Russian Ambassador were present at an event in Washington, D.C., he did not actually exchange words with the Ambassador or any other Russian officials.

Sessions deemed this allegation an “appalling and detestable lie” and insisted he didn’t remember this supposed exchange.

Twitter had fun with this and created a hashtag of other things that have slipped Sessions’ memory. Here are some of the best tweets:
