Standup comedian Russell Howard, beloved in his native U.K. for Sky’s long-running “The Russell Howard Hour” and known to global audiences for Netflix specials “Lubricant” (2021) and “Recalibrate” (2017), is once again taking his live show through the States.
“The unadulterated giddiness of U.S. audiences” is what he’s most looking forward to about the 15-stop U.S. leg, kicking off Oct. 4 in Durham, North Carolina.
“As much as I love performing stand-up in the U.K., it’s like Mordor in comparison,” he told TheWrap ahead of the exclusive premiere of the “Russell Howard Live 2023” trailer, seen above. “In the U.K., you’ll get a standing ovation at the end of the show, whereas in America you get one at the beginning as well!”
As for which stop he’s most looking forward to, Howard has his eye on the Oct. 12 stop at New York City’s historic Town Hall: “I love New York. It’s disgusting, dirty, and loud but you open a door and suddenly you find yourself somewhere incredible. It’s like an advent calendar covered in sh-t.”
The outing marks his first time coming back to the U.S. since his pre-COVID run of “Respite,” which sold over 300,000 tickets and marked his biggest world tour to date. It was later filmed for Netflix’s “Lubricant.”
Of the upcoming stops, he promised a “big, fat, funny show with loads of jokes and stories,” and teased that the set will change as the tour goes on.
“I’ve just done 125 shows in the U.K. to over 250,000 people — so I’ve got to change it up for my own sanity,” he said.
Can we expect some riffs on today’s political landscape? Count it as likely.
“I find it fascinating with all the talent and ingenuity bursting from America, that the election will ultimately come down to two old men,” he joked of the ongoing 2024 presidential election, indicating that the world is watching. “You get more options in a Starbucks than the ballot box. Neither Trump nor Biden fill you with hope. It’s the same in the U.K. Politics is proof that the cream can rise to the top — but turds can float there, too.”
Watch Howard’s U.S. tour trailer in the exclusive premiere above, and catch him live when he comes to a city near you.