Rupert Murdoch: I Wouldn’t Hire Keith Olbermann Again

“We don’t believe in firing people twice,” Murdoch says

Rupert Murdoch says he wouldn't hire Keith Olbermann again.

In an interview with Fox News' Neil Cavuto to mark the launch of the iPad-only publication The Daily, the News Corp. CEO said Olbermann had had his chance with his company, and wouldn't get another.

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"We fired him once, we don't belive in firing people twice," Murdoch told Cavuto, who is a Murdoch employee since News Corp. owns Fox News.

Olbermann worked for Fox Sports Net before joining MSNBC. He announced last month that he was leaving MSNBC's "Countdown."

Murdoch also stood by his past assessment of Olbermann as "a nut," and said he was "impossible" during his time on "Fox Sports Net."

Watch the interview:
