“The Daily Show” correspondent Roy Wood Jr. tried really hard on Tuesday to distract himself from the hellscape that is life in the current historical moment, with a look at some stories about absolutely adorable animals. Unfortunately, he kept getting reminded of the horrible news he was trying to forget.
In the segment, called “A Sprinkling of Sunshine,” Wood started by looking at the news that San Francisco International Airport now has a therapy pig to hang out with anxious travelers. At first Wood was all-in on how great the pig is, until the situation reminded him of America’s escalating health care crisis.
“I think this therapy pig is a great idea. Especially because in America, one in five adults struggles with some form of mental illness,” said Wood, who began getting visibly angrier. “But because there’s a lack of resources, people got to figure out their own s— by theyselves, or talk to a goddamned pig 20 minutes before their flight.”
“It’s a damn shame,” Wood shouted before “The Daily Show” host Trevor Noah calmed him down. Wood then switched to another adorable animal story, a rescue cat in a Texas animal shelter who keeps helping other cats escape from their enclosures.
Wood had plenty of adorable things to say about the cat, including that they should make a movie about it called “Pawshank Redemption.” (We agree.) Then, the story of a cat who doesn’t like cages reminded him of the very real internment camps in which the Trump administration has imprisoned tens of thousands of refugee children.
Finally, Wood talked about the story of a bear who got stuck in a garbage bin and then was rescued by deptuy sheriffs near Lake Tahoe. Wood loved it, until he remember situations in which the police uh, aren’t as helpful.
“Kudos to the police officers for approaching this bear calmly, and deescalating the situation,” Wood said. “I just wish black people in America could get the same treatment. That would be a wonderful thing… Maybe black people should just start wearing bear costumes when ever we leave the house.”
There’s plenty more, including some hilarious looks into the camera. Watch the whole thing above.