‘Roswell, New Mexico’: Lily Cowles Breaks Down That Isobel and Kyle Kiss

“Of all the people who might have a chance of being with Isobel, it feels like Kyle would be the best suited for it,” Cowles tells TheWrap

The CW

After weeks of pining over Isobel Evans, Kyle Valenti finally got the girl on this week’s episode of “Roswell, New Mexico.” Well, he got to kiss her at least. Series star Lily Cowles is staying tight-lipped on what comes next for them, but she’s pretty hopeful.

Of course, Isobel did just go through a pretty rough break-up. After finally mustering up the courage to let Anatsa in on her alien secret, it was Anatsa herself who turned Isobel away. It’s not that she didn’t love Isobel, it’s just that she didn’t believe true love should be so complicated and full of secrets. Not that Cowles faults Isobel for keeping that secret.

“It’s so complicated because it’s not just about her safety, it’s about the safety of her brothers too,” Cowles told TheWrap. “And we know that she will do anything to protect them. So revealing something like that, to you know, an outsider is a really hard thing. I don’t blame her for being really protective with that.

But with Kyle, there are no secrets. And that might just be what helps them work.

“I will say, of all the people who might have a chance of being with Isobel, it feels like Kyle would be the best suited for it, because he already knows her truth,” she said. That said, as far as if Isobel is truly ready to enter into something serious with him, Cowles is as skeptical as anyone.

You can check out TheWrap’s full interview with Lily Cowles below.

Note: This interview has been lightly edited for clarity and length

Before we get into specifics of this week, I want to start a little broad. Because what I love about this season so far is everyone’s a team. Everyone’s together and it’s just it feels like everything is cohesive. It’s like Mystery Inc. with aliens. How has that been for you?

Oh, it’s so great. And I think we’ve been wanting the Scooby gang to be all integrated and working together for a while now. And there have been a number of, you know, back in the day, there was so much tension between different characters. Liz and Isobel could not stand each other for a little bit. Isobel and Maria. Wait a second… Isobel had problems with a lot of people. I’m starting to realize — was Isobel the problem? She was the limiting factor. She’s come around now.

And it’s so much fun. I mean, as actors, we all love each other so much, the cast get along so well. So when we’re in our, like, Scooby gang mode, and we’re all on set, those are the days I wake up at 3:30 in the morning, and I’m like, ‘OK, it’s dark, and it’s gonna be dark for the next five hours, and it’s 19 degrees outside, but I get to work with all my best friends solving an alien mystery. This is so fun.’ So I love to see them all working together. I mean, clearly they have bigger fish to fry than whatever little personal things are coming up between them. So even when there are little tensions — you know, between Liz and Max, for instance, they’re figuring their way through their relationship — there’s a bigger issue that’s, you know, urgent, needs urgent attention. So all of us just have to team up and run straight at it. And I love all the different iterations of the team.

Well, what I love about Isobel specifically is her humor. Like this week, she’s getting this horrible news from the woman Tezca took hostage, and Isobel’s like “Great, can’t wait for your TED Talk.” Is that just you? How do you find the lighter side of Isobel so easily, particularly considering what she’s been through?

Yeah. And how often do people who have really been through it develop a great comedic defense mechanism, right? I mean I feel like so often comedians are the ones who are deeply wounded. (laughs)

Isobel has always used humor as a way to, like, deflect, what might be going on. It’s, since season one, kind of been her go to like, “Ooh, this is getting intense and this is getting hard, so I’m gonna make a little quip.” I think it’s been this amazing alchemical process between the writers and myself where we find — you know, as the seasons went on, I think they were like, “Oh, she can really deliver that kind of a joke, let’s write some of those.” And I have the enormous honor of being able to approach writers and say like, “Hey, can I also try this? Can I throw in my own little take here? I’ve got some, some ideas for like a little place with a joke.”

I mean, unfortunately, I have to tell you, there’s B-rolls somewhere where there are so many more comedic moments that have to wind up being cut for the sake of the story, because like, we only get so much time in every episode. And it always breaks my heart a little bit when I’m like, “Oh, there was a great moment” and then you see that it got cut. Because you’re like, “I know, they have to tell the story and know the stories obviously have to take precedent.” But we have so much fun, especially me and Michael Vlamis. When we get on set together, I’m sure directors are like, “Oh god, spare us. These two,” because we’ll just start riffing. And somewhere yeah, they’re are blooper reels of the two of us just like going off.

You know, it’s a highly collaborative, highly fluid environment. And so the directors, the writers, our showrunners have always been very open to changes that are like, “Oh, we can make it pop even better like this.”

I mean, listen, who do I need to bribe to get that B-roll and those bloopers?

(laughs) You and me both! Let’s do it. Let’s find — we’re gonna get those secret tapes. Speaking of, I’ll just say there is some footage of me making out with Michael Trevino like you wouldn’t believe. Like, you give a mouse a cookie… Don’t tempt me with a good time. You’re gonna write Isobel kisses Kyle? It’s like, what made it into the edit was like a half-second kiss. There’s footage of like, eight minutes of me trying to tear the man’s clothes off. It was a good day.

So let’s let’s talk about that! It certainly is an excellent moment, but what are your personal thoughts on Isobel and Kyle? Is Isobel really, really ready to be in a relationship with Kyle at this point?

I mean, I think [Isobel’s] trust issues go so deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep down, that I think it’s been really difficult for Isobel to be in a relationship with almost anyone. I will say, of all the people who might have a chance of being with Isobel, it feels like Kyle would be the best suited for it, because he already knows her truth.

And I think that’s been the reason that Isobel — you know, I think she has this idea of herself, like “I’m a broken person. I’m just bad at relationships, I’ll never be able to be in a relationship.” And you know, this just keeps getting reflected back onto her. And what happens with Anatsa just confirms this. It’s like, “See, I was going to open up and I was going to be honest, and then this person breaks my heart.” And it’s so painful. But I think, you know, a huge issue for Isobel is, what does she do with this secret that she has? You know, it’s like, how do you date normally? How do you go on Hinge? At what point on your Hinge date do you mention like, “By the way, you should know, I’m an alien.” And I think for Isobel too, it’s so complicated because it’s not just about her safety, it’s about the safety of her brothers too. And we know that she will do anything to protect them. So revealing something like that, to you know, an outsider is a really hard thing. I don’t blame her for being really protective with that.

Photo: John Golden Britt/The CW

Now, is she ready for a relationship with Kyle? I mean, she just got out of something where she loved someone and she was in love with them. She probably needs to heal from that and address that wound. But I will say that I think that the issues that hold her back in relationships generally — it might be a very different situation with Kyle because he already knows her true self, you know? She doesn’t have to, like reveal anything or deal with this inability that she has, this block she has on telling someone about this. He kind of already knows pretty much the darkest stuff about her, and he accepts her nonetheless. So I think that’s a whole other kind of relationship that they would you know, enter into. So who knows?

I’m gonna take that optimism and run with it. Now, you mentioned the safety of her brothers. Let’s talk about that too, because at the end this week’s episode, Michael collapses. What can you tease here? What can you say to de-stress us?

I think Michael has a tendency, you know, he shoots first and asks questions later. And I think he’s been definitely dabbling in this triad, this other triad. He’s getting to know these people and these aliens and wanting to kind of like, befriend them and get him on the inside, but he doesn’t really know what he’s getting himself into so much. And I think he’s about to realize what happens when you sort of shoot from the hip, and don’t take your time to understand the full picture.

Michael’s impulsive nature is going to, you know, has gotten them into a little bit of hot water right now. But thankfully he has an incredible team of very capable friends who are all going to rush to his rescue. I think he’s going to be in good hands, but I know that it’s not going to be such an easy solve. We’ve never seen an alien sick before. And so for him to be sick right now and have lost his powers, it’s a serious situation.

And at some point, we will have to talk about him cheating on his his own triad. You can’t cheat on your own triad with these strangers.

Come on dog! Like, you might even call this karma. I don’t know.

“Roswell, New Mexico” airs on Monday nights at 8/7c on The CW.
