Rosie O’Donnell to Tracy Morgan: ‘I Forgive You, Honey’ (Video)

O'Donnell says she accepts his apology for anti-gay tirade

Rosie O'Donnell forgives Tracy Morgan for an anti-gay tirade in which he joked about stabbing his son if he talked to him in an effeminate voice.

Morgan — who apologized repeatedly after his routine in June — said during an appearance on O'Donnell's new "The Rosie Show" on OWN that he never wanted to hurt anyone.

"I know that that was never your intent," O'Donnell said. "And I don't speak on behalf of all of the gay community, I only speak on behalf of me, but I forgive you, honey."

She also drew out Morgan about bullying he suffered as a child because his brother was — in his words — "born crippled."

"I honed in on my sense of humor because when you're funny in the ghetto, they protect you a little bit," he said.

Watch the video:
