Rosie O’Donnell Explains Larry David’s ‘Juicing’ Episode on ‘Curb’ (Video)

WaxWord ran into Rosie at a conference, and got the scoop on "Curb Your Enthusiasm"

What do you know — we ran into Rosie O' Donnell at the Fortune women's conference in Laguna Niguel and could not resist asking her about what may be the most brilliant episode of the "Curb Your Enthusiasm" canon.

In the episode, Larry David and Rosie vie for the affections of the same woman. And Rosie accuses Larry of "juicing." The show is improvised, but we presumed O'Donnell knew the story-line, since she's playing baseball on the episode.

Turns out she had no idea, and only realized what "juicing" referred to when she watched the finished episode at home.

"I thought he meant 'juicing' like juices," she said.

That is pretty brilliant.

 By the way, her new talk show "The Rosie Show" debuts on OWN on October 10.

