Rosie O’Donnell and Craig Ferguson: Addicted to January

MoJoe bids farewell to one of the the craziest TV months in memory with its 200th post — and some exit laughs from Craigers and Rosie

 It’s been a crazy busy month at MoJoe (and for anyone who covers TV) thanks to the combination of all the drama surrounding Simon Cowell’s decision to leave "American Idol," the semiannual TV Critics Assn. press tour — and, of course, LateNightCrisis 2010.

We’d like to think February will be a bit slower. After all, the Olympics will suck up a big chunk of media oxygen. And there are only 28 days in the month.

On the other hand, there’s a good chance we’ll spend way too much time the next few weeks chasing down rumors about whether Conan O’Brien and Fox will be able to make a deal — and, if not, where else he might land. Also, expect endless amounts of digital ink to be spilt chasing down rumors (most of which will be unfounded) regarding who will replace Simon Cowell on "American Idol," and who Simon Cowell will pick to sit next to him on "The X Factor."

To cleanse the palate after a jaw-dropping January — and mark a record 200 posts for MoJoe this month — here’s the always awesome Craig Ferguson dressed in semi-drag, lip-synching "Addicted to Love," with Rosie O’Donnell in the Robert Palmer role. We have no clue last Thursday’s "Late Late Show" opened with this, but we’re glad it did:

