Roseanne Barr Rails on ‘Progressive Parents’ in ‘Cancel This!’ Special: ‘You’ve Got to Hit Your Kids’ (Exclusive Video)

“Roseanne Barr: Cancel This!” debuts Feb. 13 on Fox Nation 

Roseanne Barr is doubling down against progressive parenting by encouraging parents to stick to the basics when it comes to discipline in “Roseanne Barr: Cancel This!” which premieres Feb. 13 on Fox Nation.

In an exclusive clip shared with TheWrap, Barr makes her return to stand-up comedy by recalling how her brother and sister, who are both gay, married and have raised children, take a too-lenient approach to parenting – unlike Barr herself.

“They’re progressive parents, though, and I can’t stand that,” Barr says in the clip. “It don’t make any sense, you know, the way they just let their kids get away with s—. They just – like a rubber band, stretch it to the end, you know? My sister, she never quite puts the hammer down on her [daughters].”

While Barr insists her nieces “could get away anything,” this tactic is certainly not Barr’s way of handling disobedience. “I’m there on top of my kids — my kids can’t get away with anything that I know about,” Barr continued. “She’s like, ‘I’m going to count to five,’ like that’s some big threat … I’m like, ‘You’ve got to hit these b—-es.’”  

In fact, Barr makes it clearly that “you’ve got to hit your kids,” even suggesting, “we need to hit them more.”

Though other parents have chosen not to pursue this route, Barr laments that the responsibility to discipline others’ children has landed on her, notably during interactions at, of all places, the grocery store.

“There they are in the grocery store, their mom don’t pay no attention to them, because she’s too busy photographing her a– for her Instagram page while the kids are running wild,” she continued, questioning why these parents had kids in the first place.

“So, of course, I’m going to hit them … Somebody has to,” she said, recalling how she might reprimand a kid by saying, “Stop doing that. That ain’t right. Didn’t your mother tell you that? Keep your hands off stuff and don’t stick your nasty fingers through the plastic. Do you understand me?”

You can watch the full clip in the video above.

“Roseanne Barr: Cancel This!” premieres on FOX Nation on Monday, Feb. 13.
