Robert Kraft’s Foundation to Combat Antisemitism will be airing a 30-second Super Bowl ad that will feature Dr. Clarence B. Jones and is aimed at combatting antisemitism.
Jones assisted Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in the drafting of King’s “I Have a Dream” speech.
In a heartwarming video of a phone call, video of which you can watch above, the owner of the New England Patriots tells Jones that the ad will be running during the Super Bowl, in an effort to combat antisemitism and hatred.
“I want to refresh your memory because I told you how much I enjoyed our time together and our meeting,” Kraft said. “Well, let me tell you something. We’re going to run your ad during the Super Bowl.”
Jones replies tearfully saying, “You know how to make a 93-year-old man cry.”
“We lucked out,” Kraft continues referring to his relationship with Jones.
“You have Clarence B. Jones in your life and all of the love and legacy of Martin Luther King Jr,” Jones continued. “He would have loved you.”
“I feel his spirit is with us,” Kraft added. “What we’re going to do after this ad is build bridges to get more love and subdue the hate that’s going on.”
The ad will call on viewers to stand up against antisemitism and forms of hatred across America.