“The Walking Dead” comic book creator Robert Kirkman and his Skybound Entertainment have entered into a two-year first-look production deal with Universal Pictures, the company announced Wednesday.
Kirkman started Skybound in 2010 with the intention to nurture creators and provide resources to produce content while retaining creative control of their properties, partnering with “Walking Dead” executive producer David Alpert in the endeavor.
“Robert and David have proven themselves to be incredible storytellers in a wide range of mediums, and we are thrilled to be Skybound’s partner in the feature realm,” said Universal co-presidents of production Peter Cramer and Jeffrey Kirschenbaum in a statement. “We feel confident that their wealth of ideas and expertise will lead to exciting, provocative films for our slate.”
Under the Skybound banner, Kirkman and Alpert recently wrapped production on “AIR,” starring “Walking Dead” actor Norman Reedus. In addition to “Walking Dead,” Kirkman also created such popular comic books as “Super Dinosaur” and “Outcast.”
Skybound Entertainment and Kirkman are represented by CAA. Kirkman is also repped by Circle of Confusion and attorney Shep Rosenman at Katz, Golden, Sullivan & Rosenman.
Alpert is also an executive producer on “The Walking Dead” spin-off “Fear the Walking Dead” and upcoming Jesse Eisenberg-Kristen Stewart actioner “American Ultra.”