Four decades after first delighting audiences with 1984’s revered mockumentary “This Is Spinal Tap,” director Rob Reiner is preparing to revisit the film’s mythical rockers once more. Production on a sequel featuring the infamous band at the center of Reiner’s cult classic comedy is scheduled to commence this coming February.
In addition to the fictional metalheads, the “Spinal Tap” follow up will feature appearances from real-world musical icons. Paul McCartney, Elton John and Garth Brooks are all slated to make cameos alongside the mock rock band in the highly-anticipated sequel, according to Reiner’s comments on the “RHLSTP with Richard Herring” podcast (“Richard Herring’s Leicester Square Theatre Podcast”).
Reprising their iconic fake rocker roles will be Christopher Guest, Michael McKean and Harry Shearer as the core Spinal Tap trio, while Reiner is back portraying documentarian Marty DiBergi. Plans for the sequel are to emulate the revered Martin Scorsese concert documentary “The Last Waltz,” which captured pioneering group The Band’s final tour performance.
“When it was announced that Spinal Tap would reunite for one final concert, Marty DiBergi saw this as a chance to make things right with the band who viewed ‘This Is Spinal Tap’ as a hatchet job. So he left his position as visiting adjunct teacher’s assistant at the Ed Wood School of Cinematic Arts in pursuit of film history,” Reiner said in a previous statement.
While full plot details remain under wraps, the “Spinal Tap” sequel will follow the mockumentary format showing where the fictional British rockers are today as aging musicians.
The film will be fully financed by Castle Rock Entertainment. Christopher Guest, Michael McKean, Rob Reiner, and Harry Shearer will conceive the new film. It will be directed by Rob Reiner and produced by Rob Reiner, Michele Reiner and Matt George. Christoper H. Warner will serve as an Executive Producer.
Castle Rock will finance with Mat onthew George, Jonathan Fuhrman and Hernan Narea serving as executive producers on Castle Rock’s behalf.