Fox News’ John Roberts Crushes Sen. Rick Scott’s Attempt to Dismiss His Agenda as ‘Democrat Talking Points’: ‘It’s in Your Plan!’ (Video)

GOP senator’s “Rescue America” plan could end Social Security in five years

John Robert Rick Scott
Fox News' John Roberts interviews GOP Sen. Rick Scott (Fox News)

Fox News’ John Roberts stopped Sen. Rick Scott in his tracks on Sunday when the Florida Republican tried to sidestep confronting questions about his controversial 11-step “Rescue America” plan by insisting the anchor was using “Democrat talking points.”

Roberts brought up Scott’s plan on “Fox News Sunday,” making specific mention of one provision that would lead to the end of Social Security and Medicare in as soon as five years.

Reading directly from the proposal, Roberts quoted, “All federal legislation sunsets in five years. If a law is worth keeping, Congress can pass it again.” Roberts pointed out that the plan could affect popular programs like Social Security and Medicare.

Turning to Scott, Roberts asked, “Why would you propose something like that in an election year?”

“That’s, of course, the Democrat talking points,” Scott answered, but was immediately interrupted by Roberts with, “No, it’s in the plan! It’s in the plan!”

Scott attempted to continue on his train of thought, but Roberts cut him off again: “Hang on, Senator. It’s not a Democratic talking point. It’s in the plan.”

But Scott pressed on. “No one that I know of wants to sunset Medicare or Social Security. But what we’re doing is we don’t even talk about it,” Scott continued, adding, “We ought to figure out how we preserve those programs.”

According to Forbes, Republican senators have proposed a commission to balance the budget within a decade. “Given that four of the five sponsors of this idea have signed on to the tax pledge to never, ever under any circumstances raise taxes, they are looking for programs to cut,” Forbes wrote. “They consequently take aim mainly at cuts to Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.”

Earlier this month, however, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell voiced his opposition to Scott’s “Rescue America” plan.

“We will not have as part of our agenda a bill that raises taxes on half the American people and sunsets Social Security and Medicare within five years,” he said. “That will not be part of the Republican Senate Majority agenda.”

Watch the video clip below.
