Texas Gov. Rick Perry used the occasion of his "Tonight Show" appearance to air a TV ad in Iowa only that poked fun at his infamous "oops" gaffe in a debate last month.
The ad begins with Perry saying that as president he would cut the departments of "Commerce, Education, and the um, ah, what's the third one there?"
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"Department of Energy," he says in the ad, interrupting the debate clip. (It's a welcome interruption, because his fumbling in the debate went on far longer than it did in the ad. But he didn't include the "oops" he uttered in the debate.)
He adds, "You know we've all lost our train of thought before, but not many have done it on national TV. Now if you want a slick debater, I'm obviously not your guy. But if you want to clean house in Washington with a balanced budget amendement, a flat tax, and a part-time Congress, I'm your man."
Funny? Hm. But funnier than Perry was on Leno, when he trotted out a joke he's used many times during his campaign about his proposed flat tax. He joked that under his plan, "even Timothy Geithner could get his in on time," referring to the Obama Treasury Secretary's late payment of $34,000 in payroll taxes.
Watch the ad: