‘RHOBH’ Star Erika Jayne, Secret Service Agents Sued by Fashion Designer Who Says He Was Swindled Out of $787,000

Marco Marco designer Christopher Psaila says the “Real Housewives” star’s husband got legit credit card charges fraudulently reversed

"The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" star Erika Jayne in Las Vegas (Credit: Getty Images)

Erika Jayne was sued in federal court Tuesday by Marco Marco fashion designer Christopher Psaila. The designer says the “Real Housewives of Beverly Hills” star used her husband’s Secret Service connections to swindle back nearly a million dollars in credit-card charges that were actually legitimate.

In court documents obtained by TheWrap, Psaila alleges that Jayne’s now-estranged husband Tom Girardi conspired with three Secret Service agents – Robert Savage, Steve Scarince and Kenneth Henderson – to maliciously prosecute Psaila.

The Marco Marco designer says the defendants leveraged their connections, including an American Express employee, to get $800,000-$900,000 in charges reversed by falsely claiming they were fraudulent without doing due diligence.

Psaila says Girardeau used his friendship with Scarince – then-head of the Secret Service in Los Angeles – and Savage to get charges made from 2015-2016 returned, even though the costumes, designs and other items had been delivered. American Express ultimately refunded Jayne and Girardi more than $787,000.

Psaila also named American Express and its employee, Peter Grimm as defendants for a separate aiding and abetting malicious prosecution charge, claiming that the credit card company failed to investigate the case and deprived Psaila an opportunity to dispute the reversal.

The designer is seeking a jury trial and asking no less than $18 million in damages. Lawyers for Jayne did not immediately respond to a request for comment Tuesday.

Jayne joined the popular Bravo reality show in 2015, where she was depicted as a costume-clad pop star. She is currently separated but not divorced from Girardi, who is currently under federal indictment for defrauding clients and misappropriating clients’ settlement funds.

Jayne just kicked off a residency in Las Vegas and will appear on the upcoming 13th season of “The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.”
